Hosting Your First Thanksgiving

Posted on October 31, 2022 By Alison P
Young Woman Setting Table for Thanksgiving

Your family's Thanksgiving torch has been passed, and now it's in your hands.


We know that hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the first time can be overwhelming, but before you decide to curl into a ball and cower under the table until Black Friday, allow us to share some helpful advice. We've got a collection of tips to help you run your Thanksgiving dinner as efficiently, smoothly, and enjoyably as possible. Take a deep breath, read on, and by the end of this article you'll be ready to take on Turkey Day like a seasoned pro!

Timing Is Everything

The most important (non-edible) ingredient for a successful Thanksgiving dinner is good timing. Make sure you schedule out adequate prep time, cooking time, and resting time for each dish. If your turkey is frozen, be sure to give it several days to thaw in the refrigerator; the general guideline from the USDA is to allow one day of thawing in the fridge for every five pounds of weight. If you're brining the turkey, make sure you factor in the time required for that too. Which foods will be cooked on the stovetop, and which ones need the oven? How much will the temperature need to change between each item? These are all factors to take into consideration when determining what time you'll start cooking, the order in which you make everything, and how to keep the food warm before it's time to dig in.

If It Heats, It Helps

As you may have guessed while reading the previous paragraph, now's the time to call upon every possible cooking or heating appliance in your kitchen. Dig through your cabinets and take an inventory. Slow cookers, indoor grills, toaster ovens, even hot plates - if you have a gadget that'll save a space on the stovetop or in the oven, use it. This is also a perfect excuse to upgrade your supply of appliances. If you've been meaning to buy a particular cooking tool - a new pressure cooker or a cool electric skillet - now's the time. Technology has come a long way since the days of the pilgrims, so take full advantage of all the 21st-century conveniences that make cooking easier.

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Simply put, take all the help you can get! When a guest RSVPs and asks what they should bring, tell them. If someone pops into the kitchen on the day of the feast and offers to help, thank them and assign them a task. Your nearest and dearest will be glad to lend a hand, especially since they know you're new at this, so don't feel guilty about taking people up on their offers to assist.

Plan a Dress Rehearsal

Yes, it's a lot of work, but doing a Thanksgiving test run a couple of weeks beforehand is not a bad idea. All the little easily-overlooked details will be faced head-on, and you'll be much better prepared for the actual day. You'll get a crystal-clear concept of the food prep timing, the small appliances required, the cookware you'll need, and the amount of plates and silverware you have to work with. If adjustments need to be made, you'll have plenty of time before Thanksgiving to make those changes. As for the dinner itself, why not use it as an excuse to get some friends together for a little "Friendsgiving" gathering? Your stress levels will decrease not only because you'll have a better idea of the timing and flow, but also because you'll get to enjoy some time with your buddies!

Pumpkin Pie with a Whipped Cream Smiley Face

Make It Yours

Don't let the stress of hosting Thanksgiving overshadow your chance to have some fun with it. You probably remember Thanksgiving unpleasantries from childhood like choking down Great Aunt Mildred's watery mashed turnips, or gritting a fake smile at Grandma's kitschy pilgrim decorations. Well, you're in the driver's seat now, and it's your turn to create the kind of Thanksgiving you've always wanted. Serve that weird-but-delicious appetizer you saw on Epicurious. Make your favorite side dish exactly the way you like it. Create the world's greatest dinnertime playlist. Decree an ultra-casual dress code. It's your home and your event, so make the most of the opportunity to do things your way!

Hosting Thanksgiving dinner is far from impossible, and with a little preparation, you and your guests are sure to have a great time. Good luck, and have a happy Thanksgiving!