How to Gift a Remote Car Starter

Posted on January 13, 2020 By Alison P
Remote Starter in Gift Box

Is there someone in your life who would love a remote car starter, but would never buy one for themselves? Does this someone have a birthday or special holiday coming up? Now is the perfect opportunity to give them a remote car starter as a present! P.C. Richard & Son makes it easy to gift this fantastic convenience to a family member or friend  not only do we have remote car starters for sale at the best possible prices, but we also install them for free. Here's a step-by-step guide to giving a great gift they'll use every day!

Step 1: Purchase the Starter

If you're preparing for a deep-dive into researching which remote car starter is best, relax: The Viper remote starter system is universal, happily eliminating guesswork for gift-givers. The starter module can be purchased a la carte or as part of a bundle, with any of several options for remote styles as well as security upgrades. You'll find whatever you need by browsing our inventory of remote starters or visiting any of over 60 P.C. Richard & Son stores spanning New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. Regardless of where you shop, hang on to the invoice number after you've made the purchase - it's required for step 2. Also, please note that a part called a T-harness may be required for the remote starter to be installed. While it can only be purchased at the time of installation, you can include a P.C. Richard & Son gift card with your presentation to cover the cost.

Step 2: Schedule the Installation

When you buy the remote starter, you'll receive an invoice number and a phone number to call in order to book an installation. These appointments are made through a centralized system, making it easy to choose from available times and locations to find the most convenient option. Does your schedule not allow for time to coordinate a secret installation? If you just want to wrap up the starter and present that as the gift, that is absolutely an option! This way, the recipient has the freedom to schedule the installation at their leisure, which takes some weight off your shoulders. If you're going for the challenge of presenting the gift with everything completely installed, you'll have to figure out a way to secretly get the recipient's car in for the installation. If you can successfully it pull off, more power to you!

Step 3: Bring In the Car

The amount of time it takes to connect a remote starter can vary, so planning on a drop-off is more realistic than planning for an onsite wait. Once the installation is complete, the only visible difference in the vehicle will be a barely-noticeable antenna on the rearview mirror. If you're going the "surprise" route, rest assured they won't suspect a thing!

Step 4: Bask In the Joy of Giving!

You've truly knocked it out of the park in the gift-giving department. Give yourself a pat on the back!

Ready to give the best gift ever? Count on P.C. Richard & Son for remote car starters and installation at the guaranteed lowest prices. Get started now!