Why Is My Dishwasher Leaking?

Posted on May 30, 2018 By Alison P
Flooded KitchenYou saunter into the kitchen to empty your dishwasher, only to recoil in horror at a huge puddle that's formed in front of it. You quickly mop it up and hope that it won't return the next time you do a load of dishes, but it just keeps coming back. Don't continue down the path of denial - the sooner you face the fact that your dishwasher is leaking water, the sooner it'll be fixed! Here is a list of some common dishwasher leak culprits and the best ways to repair them.

Your Dishwasher Isn't Level

If your dishwasher isn't properly leveled, it's likely to leak. You can double-check its alignment by sliding the lower rack out and placing a level on the bottom. If it's not sitting evenly, adjust the feet to make the dishwasher level, or prop up the low side by adding wooden shims.

Your Dishwasher's Hose Is Damaged

One possible cause of a leaking dishwasher is a crack in the drain hose. For a quick fix, fill in the crack with a waterproof epoxy or putty, or tightly wrap it with waterproof tape. Replacing the entire drain hose is a better long-term solution but a more complicated process; if you'd prefer to go that route, calling a professional is highly recommended.

Your Dishwasher Door Seal Needs Repair

Years of exposure to hot water and detergent can weaken the rubber of the door seal, and if your dishwasher is leaking from the bottom of the door, you probably need a new door gasket. To replace your dishwasher door gasket and repair the seal:
  • Purchase the proper manufacturer-approved replacement gasket for your particular brand and model
  • Open your dishwasher and slowly remove the old door seal, clean out the channel with a cotton swab and mild soap, and allow it to dry completely
  • Open the new gasket and use a low-heat blow dryer to smooth out any creases
  • Starting with the center of the seal at the top of the dishwasher, press it into the channel
  • Once it's in, close the door to firmly press it into place, then open it to make sure it's fitting properly
  • If everything looks good, close the door and leave it shut overnight to set the seal in place

Your Dishwasher Tub Is Cracked

After years of wear, cracks can sometimes develop inside the tub of a dishwasher and cause dishwasher leaks. To repair a tub crack, first clean and dry the area, then use clear silicone caulk to fill in the crack. Smooth the caulk as much as possible, let it dry overnight, then repeat the caulking one more time the next day. Be sure to wait at least 24 hours before running the dishwasher again.

Your Dishwasher's Pump Needs a Replacement

If your dishwasher is leaking from underneath, the dishwasher pump may be the source of the problem. It could be the case that one or more of the pump gaskets needs replacement, or the problem could be the pump itself. Either way, dealing with the pump itself is a pretty large undertaking, and this is an instance where it's probably best to call a pro. Is it time to upgrade your dishwasher? P.C. Richard & Son is the place to do it! Our incredible selection of dishwashers is bound to have the perfect size, style, function, and color for your kitchen. As always, you can trust that shopping with P.C. Richard & Son means you'll get today's hottest brand names at the guaranteed lowest prices. Find the perfect new dishwasher today - shop P.C. Richard & Son now!