Range Installation Types

Posted on June 14, 2021 By Pat D - Director of Training

Let's take a look at different installation types that are available for ranges today. A Freestanding Range is the most common range type. It can stand alone or be placed either between two cabinets or at the end of a cabinet. It has finished sides and the backsplash where the controls are typically located. Slide-in ranges allow you to have a seamless look of your backsplash, without looking at the back guard of a range. Slide-in ranges feature the burner and oven controls up front, so you never need to reach over a hot surface to adjust the burner. The feature that I like the most about slide-in ranges is that they have a lift that overhangs the counter on both sides. That means no bits of food will fall in between the counter and your new range. The sides are usually unfinished, so slide-in ranges must be placed between two cabinets. Drop-in ranges, like Slide In Ranges, also have a lip that overhangs each side of the counter. They also require customized cabinetry and then are dropped into the prepared space with a cabinet toe kick panel at the bottom. This offers a very nice customized look to your kitchen.