Sleeping Soundly: How To Sleep When Youre Not Tired

Posted on September 25, 2017 By Alison P
Girl reading in bedIts common knowledge that a good nights sleep is imperative if youre hoping to operate at peak performance throughout the day. After all, inadequate sleep can lead to feelings of exhaustion, fuel a bad mood, and slash your productivity significantly. But, if you often have trouble falling asleep, a full night of rest might simply seem like an unattainable luxury. Luckily, this is far from the case  read on to learn how you can help yourself sleep even when you dont feel tired.

1. Sort out the thoughts racing around your head.

Whether youre worrying over work or simply trying to assemble your weekend schedule in your head, your thoughts can be your own worst enemy when it comes to falling asleep. And since these thoughts seldom just disappear, its usually best to address them before bed. Grab a pen, open up your notebook and jot down a to-do list for the next day or a quick plan of action to tackle whatever it is thats keeping you awake.

2. Avoid screens for an hour or more before your bedtime.

Scrolling through your favorite social media feeds after settling into bed might seem like a natural way to end the day, but the odds are good that its affecting your ability to fall asleep. The blue light projected from both your computer and your smartphone can trick your brain into thinking its still daytime, and that it should still be alert even when the opposite is the case. If youre seeking a rejuvenating rest, finish up your browsing well before heading to bed.

Mother reading to daughter in bed 3. Pay attention to lighting.

If youre hanging out in your room before bed, try to avoid overhead lighting in favor of bedside table lamps or other softer sources of light. And once youre actually ready to catch some shut-eye, make sure to turn off all lights and shut the curtains to make your room as dark  and therefore as conducive to sleep  as possible. To maximize your rooms darkness, consider purchasing blackout curtains and/or a sleep mask.

4. Drop the temperature.

A warm bedroom might seem more comfortable, but it turns out that youre more likely to sleep if the air is just a touch cooler than where you might actually want it to be. The best temperature for your circumstances will change from person to person, so feel free to experiment, but expect to hit the jackpot somewhere between 60øF and 70øF. If you're worried about waking up chilly, add some lightweight blankets to make your bed cozier.

5. Choose a more comfortable mattress.

This one is pretty simple: if you cant get comfortable, you probably wont fall asleep. When looking for a mattress, make sure to perform in-depth research pertaining to the material options and support levels youll be able to choose from to ensure its the right fit for you. Mattress protectors and mattress toppers are also a great way to add softness to your existing mattress or make a brand-new one a little more cushioned.

Get The Rest You Deserve

Getting a full night of sleep is fundamental if youre aiming to give each day your all. It might seem tough to achieve from time to time, but falling asleep at a reasonable hour can be made easier by following these steps and tailoring them to your unique habits. Start today by finding a brand-new mattress to keep you comfortable from the moment you head to bed.